Electa Chapter No. 14
Prince Hall Order Eastern Star, New York

LaTonya K. Smith, Worthy Matron Dayequan El-Amin, Worthy Patron
Marsha Mack, Grand Worthy Matron Grant Valentine, Grand Worthy Patron
MW Darren M. Morton, Ed.D., Grand Master
In Loving Memory
of Our Beloved Sister
Evelyn A. Archie
Sunrise: May 24, 1937
Sunset: December 20, 2023
The Officers and Members of Electa Chapter No. 14
Prince Hall Order Eastern Star and Adelphic Union Lodge No. 14, are heart broken over the passing of our beloved Sister, Past Matron and Life Member Evelyn Archie. We thank you for your support and prayers for us and the family and invite you to join us and the family as we honor her legacy and celebrate her life (see details and schedule below).
Members of the Order and the Craft
Members of the OES Burial Team and the 14PHAMILY, please be sure to arrive no later than 5:30 pm. Other members participating in the ceremony must arrive by 5:45pm. All must be properly attired in formal Funeral Attire in order to participate.

Tues. Jan. 9th, 2024
Benta’s Funeral Home
630 St. Nicholas Ave.
New York, NY 10030
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm - Viewing
6:00 pm - 7:15 pm - Eastern Star Service
7:15 pm - 8:00 pm - Viewing
Repast to Follow at the
Prince Hall Masonic Temple
454 West 155th St. (St. Nicholas)
New York, NY 10032
Wed., Jan. 10th, 2024
Benta’s Funeral Home
630 St. Nicholas Ave. (141st St.)
New York, NY 10030
9:00 am - Viewing
10:00 am - Thanksgiving Service
Interment to Follow at
Rosehill Cemetery
792 E. Edgar Rd.
Linden, NJ 07036

Wed. January 10th, 2024 | 10 am
Order of Service
Musical Prelude
Welcome & Opening Anthem and Collects,
Rev. Patrick Williams, St. Mary’s Church,
(The Parish of St. Martin’s & St. Luke’s)
The First Lesson: Lamentations 3:22-26, 31-33,
Rocita Alleyne
Psalm 23 - Josiah Harewood
The Second Lesson - Revelation 21: 2-7, Corey Harewood
Remembrances & Reflections
(Family & Friends, 2 minutes max)
Reading of the Obituary, Charles Harewood Sr.
Hymn —Great Thou Art
The Holy Gospel - The Rev. David Mubiru
The Homily - The Rev. Patrick Williams
Prayers of the People
Hymn—Blessed Assurance
The Commendation
Blessing and Dismissal
Hymn—The Day Thou Gavest Lord is Ended