Electa Chapter No. 14
Prince Hall Order Eastern Star, New York

LaTonya K. Smith, Worthy Matron Dayequan El-Amin, Worthy Patron
Marsha Mack, Grand Worthy Matron Grant Valentine, Grand Worthy Patron
MW Darren M. Morton, Ed.D., Grand Master

Legacy of Electa Chapter No. 14

Electa Chater #14 Order Eastern Star was originally set apart in August 1908 in Odd-Fellows Hall, 27th Street and 6th avenue in New York City. The original Charter members were:
Sis. Mary A. Hopkins, WM
Bro. William Grooms, WP
Sis. Hannah Chappell, Associate Matron
Sis. Mary C. Sherman, Conductress
Sis. Ela H.T. Warner
Following the formation of Eureka Grand Chapter, State of New York, the following members presented a petition for a charter to Eureka Grand Chapter. The charter was granted on June 16, 1916 as Electa Chapter #14 to be held in the State of New York, county of New York. Sis. Mary A. Hopkins, presided as Worthy Matron, Bro. William A. Crooms, as Worthy Patron and Sis. Hannah Chappell, as Associate Matron
Sis. Mary A. Hopkins
Sis. Hannah Chappell
Sis. Isabella Crooms
Sis. Ella A. Thomas
Sis. Ella J. Oliver
Sis. Sara Warner
Sis. Pinken Walker
Sis. Alfreda Johnson
Sis. Geneva Page
Bro. William A. Grooms
Upon the change in name of the grand chapter to Eureka Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star of the State of New York (Prince Hall Affiliation) a charter was reissued on November 7th, 1938 to Sis. Mamie Ryerss, Worthy Matron, Bro. William Ghermars; Worthy Patron and Sis. Addie Kemp, Associate Matron designating Electa Chapter #14 as a part ofthe Prince Hall Affiliation.