Electa Chapter No. 14
Prince Hall Order Eastern Star, New York

LaTonya K. Smith, Worthy Matron Dayequan El-Amin, Worthy Patron
Marsha Mack, Grand Worthy Matron Grant Valentine, Grand Worthy Patron
MW Darren M. Morton, Ed.D., Grand Master

Electa Chapter No. 14, Sunshine Chapter No. 34 and Emerald Chapter No. 81, Prince Hall Order Eastern Star, New York, have partnered to sponsor 10 New York City youth ages 13-17 for an experience of a lifetime. In association with Y-Dive, these young people will receive an introductory course to scuba diving, and will learn about all the mental and health benefits associated with diving, including help with insomnia and anxiety.
All costs associated with the instruction will be paid for by the chapters. All equipment is provided for instruction by Y-Dive. No diving experience necessary and no ability to swim is required. All you will need is a desire to learn something new, not be afraid of the water and excitement to have some fun and meet new friends.
The application deadline is July 31, 2024. Those interested can apply via the following link: https://forms.gle/LpjrFbYw3n3TT2VR9
You Develop Imagination, Vision and Empowerment (Y DIVE) is a 501(c)3 focused on empowering our students to overcome life’s challenges. Our services are focused on youth but also provide for veterans and persons with disabilities. ​​​Our goal is to provide students with an experience that will transform their lives and help them conquer their fears. Many of our students are from low-income neighborhoods. Our focus is on youth ages 10-18, individuals with disabilities, and veterans.​We strive to increase knowledge of the aquatic world one dive at a time. Scuba diving offers a natural therapeutic calmness and tranquility from the weightless mobility the ocean provides.
For more information about this initiative, visit the Y-Dive website at https://ydive.org/